
The Soviet militia was founded in 1917, immediately after the October Revolution, as the main system of law and order in the territory of the new state. The Ministry of Internal Affairs, to which the militia was subordinated, was engaged not only in ensuring national security, but also in solving administrative, economic and social issues, especially in relation to the population.

In the USSR, the police were one of the most massive bodies, exceptionally important for maintaining law and order in society. The functions of the police included:

  • ensuring the safety of citizens, combating crime and public disorder;
  • prevention of illegal actions and violations of public order;
  • protection of public property and assets;
  • participation in the investigation of crimes and administrative offenses;
  • implementation of preventive work in relation to the population, etc.

After the collapse of the USSR, the militia was criticized for human rights violations, but overall it played an important role in ensuring the safety of citizens and public order in the country. Over time, it was renamed the police.


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