Monuments in the USSR

In the USSR, as perhaps in other countries, there have always been many monuments. Mainly to the leader of the world proletariat (V. I. Lenin). We even had a life-size monument to Lenin at school, right in the hallway.

Beltsy, Lenin monument, Le square Beltsy, Lenin monument, Le square Beltsy, Lenin monument, 1 L square
Monuments to V. I. Lenin (CC0)

But it must be said that monuments were not only dedicated to Lenin. There were (and are) many monuments to Soviet soldiers and memorial complexes of the Great Patriotic War.

Monument to the Komsomol Heroes (CC0)

Memorial complex of the Great Patriotic War (CC0)

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Monument to railway workers (CC0)

There were also monuments to revolutionaries and heroes of the civil war.

Beltsy, monument to Kotovsky, 1950s
Monument to Kotovsky (CC0)


Monument to K. Marx (personal archive)

When I say “were” I mean that they were then. But that doesn’t mean that they aren’t there now. Most of the monuments have survived to this day. Now I’ll look in my photo archive and maybe post a few modern photos of monuments from those times.

Statues of workers (personal archive)


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Monuments to V. Vysotsky in Voronezh and Moscow (personal archive)


Memorial complex of the Great Patriotic War (personal archive)



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