Mosaic on walls was very common in the USSR. It could be an ordinary residential building, or it could be a factory workshop. In our pioneer camp there was a mosaic on the building where we (the pioneers) lived. Perhaps propaganda – there was a lot of it in the USSR, including in this form. Secondly – it is beautiful. Thirdly – perhaps this was how the walls were insulated. There is also an assumption (I read on the Internet) that the ideology of mosaic is the road to a “bright future”. The path to this bright future lies through the unity of people, just as a mosaic is made up of many small tiles. A beautiful version and also has a right to exist. Or maybe there were several reasons at the same time. Pragmatic, ideological, and aesthetic.
Well, here of course it’s better to see it once:
“Mosaic in the USSR” (all images above – Unsplash License)