“Pionerskaya Pravda” is a newspaper for children and teenagers, published in the USSR by the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League from May 1, 1924 to December 30, 1991.
The first issue of the newspaper was published on May 1 (May 14, old style), 1924. In 1966, the newspaper’s circulation reached 5 million copies.
The newspaper was aimed at young people. It contained information about the lives of pioneers and Komsomol members, as well as news and articles on various topics, such as science, culture, sports, education, etc. Pionerskaya Pravda published articles about pioneer camps, hikes, contests, competitions, and various events taking place in the country. The newspaper was available to all pioneers and schoolchildren, as well as to adults interested in the lives of young people.
The pages of Pionerskaya Pravda published essays about the heroes of the civil war, stories about the life of pioneer detachments, poems and songs, as well as materials about the achievements of Soviet science and technology. The newspaper actively supported the initiatives of schoolchildren and pioneers, and helped organize children’s and youth events.