My collection of books from the USSR era (part 2)

Continuation of the description of the book collection from the USSR era.


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Wreath of Glory. Anthology of works of art about the Great Patriotic War in 12 volumes. Published by Sovremennik, 1983 (from a personal collection)

The one who subscribed to the series read only the first 6 volumes. Starting from the 7th volume, the books are packed in polyethylene. Apparently they didn’t like it very much, since they didn’t finish reading it.

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History of the Second World War 1939-1945 in 12 volumes (only the first 7 volumes are available). Military Publishing House of the USSR Ministry of Defense, 1973 (from a personal collection)

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The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (one 33rd volume) and the Encyclopedic Dictionary (two volumes – 1 and 3). (from a personal collection)

There are also subscriptions to several magazines over many years. But that is a separate story.


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