Modification of Vega 15AC-404 speakers

At a garage sale I bought 2 speakers (acoustic systems) Vega 15AC-404 for a very low price. The sound is normal, the appearance is a little spoiled.


Photo from personal archive

A little about the speakers themselves. Manufactured by PO Vega, Berdsk, Novosibirsk Region, USSR. Produced since 1984 (according to some sources, since 1979). Later renamed 15AC-204.

Acoustic design: closed type.
Frequency range: 63 – 20,000 Hz.
Sensitivity: 87 dB
Average sound pressure in the range of 63 – 18,000 Hz: 0.15 Pa
Resistance: 4 Ohm 
Unevenness in the range of 63 – 20,000 Hz: 15 dB.
Used speakers: LF – 25 GD-26B; HF – 3 GD-31
Dimensions; 400x250x190.
Weight; 8 kg.
Nominal power: 15 W
Rated power: 25 W

The speakers are originally installed on the inside of the front panel. The idea was, in addition to painting the cases, to also move the speakers to the front side, thereby giving a more modern look and at the same time increasing the internal volume of the system.
I disassembled the cases. The sound absorbers in the form of cotton wool wrapped in a rag look funny.
I removed the speakers, puttied the cases, sanded them and spray-painted them black. I left the fabric on the front panel. After painting, it started to look “rough” right on the fabric.

Photo from personal archive

I screwed the speakers on the outside. I had to paint the diffusers — they were different colors. I used stamp paint for this (I read about this method of painting somewhere on the Internet). By the way, diffusers are now painted. But they are not supposed to be touched, so it’s no big deal.
In total, repairing the speakers cost 2 times more than the speakers themselves. And this is what came out as a result:

Photo from personal archive

By the sound of the speakers themselves. Personally, I don’t have enough bass. I use it together with a subwoofer. Thus, I got a three-band system.

Комментариев: 2 на “Modification of Vega 15AC-404 speakers
  1. А где снятые АЧХ? Замена конденсаторов, проводов на современные аналоги? Хотя бы слепые прослушивания с современными конкурентами?

  2. Да это все от лукавого. Во-первых, Hi-Fi в наше время не модно. Во-вторых, восприятие звука – вещь сугубо индивидуальная. На вкус и цвет…. А формализация характеристик воспроизведения – это самообман. Кому то ровная АЧХ нравится, а кому то кривая.
    А вообще там 100500 звуковых характеристик, которые вообще не поддаются описанию техническими параметрами. Допустим из ясеня корпус колонок мне нравится как звучит, а из липы – нет.

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